
Smartwatch Review: Asus ZenWatch 3

Display wise, the 400×400 resolution AMOLED screen is crisp. I found it to be quite reactive, and had very few lag issues. The three buttons ...

ASUS ZenWatch Review

The screen itself—including color, brightness, and viewing angles—are all pretty stellar. The only downside are the big bezels, those black ...

Asus ZenWatch 3 Review

已售完 評分 3.0 · The Asus ZenWatch 3 is stylish, tracks sleep well, and charges quickly. But outdated software and underwhelming fitness tracking mean there are ...

Asus Zenwatch 2 (Wear 2.0) review from a long time Pebble owner

Overall, I have no issues with this at all, since when I need my watch for a special occasion, I know it will last to the end of the day easily.

Asus ZenWatch review

評分 3.5 · Cameron Faulkner · If you're after a stylish smartwatch that does your basic range of Android Wear things, the ZenWatch is worth a look.                        

Asus ZenWatch 3 review

評分 4.0 · Lewis Leong · The ZenWatch 3 has one of the best displays of any smartwatch, great battery life and is built well. It's missing a few features but it's an undeniably ...

Asus ZenWatch review: a sophisticated

Comfortable, well styled, functional and with a hidden heart rate function this Android Wear watch comes as a surprise.                            

Asus ZenWatch review

評分 4.0 · Dan Seifert · The $199.99 Android Wear-powered watch has a slim stainless steel design complemented by a nice brown leather strap, complete with a fancy metal ...

Asus ZenWatch 3 review: basic is as basic does

評分 3.2 · Dieter Bohn · The ZenWatch's particular set of compromises makes it a decent watch for people who just want the basics. There's no shame in the basics, but there's not much ...

Review: Asus ZenWatch 3

The ZenWatch 3 features a round screen, and its OLED display actually fills it, avoiding the dreaded flat tire syndrome that has marred other ...


Displaywise,the400×400resolutionAMOLEDscreeniscrisp.Ifoundittobequitereactive,andhadveryfewlagissues.Thethreebuttons ...,Thescreenitself—includingcolor,brightness,andviewingangles—areallprettystellar.Theonlydownsidearethebigbezels,thoseblack ...,已售完評分3.0·TheAsusZenWatch3isstylish,trackssleepwell,andchargesquickly.Butoutdatedsoftwareandunderwhelmingfitnesstrackingmeanthereare ...,Overall,I...